“Writer and Director Treasa O'Brien takes us behind the story of Town of Strangers, a film about a stranger who comes to make a film in the small town of Gort in the West of Ireland, and the people she meets when she holds auditions. Together, they go on a cinematic journey to explore their waking and dreaming lives. Featuring a cast of migrant workers, hippies, Travellers, blow-ins and newly arrived refugees, we are ushered into the private worlds of people living between two cultures, sharing their desires of longing and belonging.” – view website
I participated in a conference called 'The Future State of Ireland' on cultural responses to the crisis in the Republic of Ireland. – read article online (pg.6)
“No one thinks so much much about place as the displaced, or as much about identity as those who feel without it. ” – read article online (pg.7)
Assistant Editor for Printed Project Journal edition. Printed Project 15 invites filmmakers, artists and critics to approach the image from myriad perspectives: the home movie, film as material, as a phenomenological experience, as a discontinuous image, as a rendered image. Through interviews, essays and images, contributors explore: image and difference, image and rhythm, the sound image, video and live performance, and the auratic power of the projected image. Lead Editor: Vivienne Dick – available to purchase
An article I wrote on the Oberhausen Film Festival - read article online (pg.18)
“Treasa O'Brien reports from the 56th International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen. ” – view website
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Due Autumn 2019. Contributing writer to collectively written chapter on the aesthetics and tactics of videos and performances of the London-based diasporic feminist pro-choice group Speaking of IMELDA.
Editor and Contributor.
Co-ordinating Manager.
Editorial Committee & Book Project Manager.