10mins ‧ SUPER-8, transferred to HDV ‧ Ireland ‧ 2011


Made with the participation of the artists' immediate family, this experimental film borrows the home movie form to create an overlapping story told by multiple voices as each member enacts a moment from the story. The story is based on a piece of ‘family folklore', a memory of the artist's mother who told the story so many times that it has become a memory for the adult children, even by those who may not have been present. 


Official Selection Liverpool Irish Festival 2011 

Official Selection Cork Film Festival 2011 

Winner of Eamon Kelly Storytelling Bursary Award 

Still from 'Turnip Story' 2011

Turnip Story’ ‧ Treasa O’Brien ‧ 10mins ‧ SUPER-8, transferred to HDV ‧ Ireland ‧ 2011